You might want to go ahead and hit the print button on this post because not only is it a long one, it?s a keeper.
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Question from a Nashpreneur: I have a real Nashville business that I want to market on the internet but most of the internet marketing that I see seems filled with hype. How can I market my business without selling my soul?
You mean a real business as opposed to a ?theoretical? business? ? I am teasing. I understand what you mean, I think. Let me see if I can help you.
I am finding out something very interesting when it comes to sharing with local Nashpreneurs, how internet marketing works. There seems to be a red flag that goes up when it comes to the topic of internet marketing.
Like the picture suggest, there is a perception in the marketplace that there are a lot of sharks out there who make crazy claims about their product or service.
I don?t argue that point. Trust me, they are out there. However, I would like to bring up a quote from Abraham Lincoln that says?
If you look for the bad in a person, you will find it every time
I think the same thing applies to the internet. If all you think about are the sharks who hype things up, that is what you will find. If you go into internet marketing looking for good,legit?even ?real? businesses like your own, you will find those too.
Something else to consider as well. I would challenge you to do some digging and let me know of an industry that does not have sharks in it. We all know stories from attorneys?to health professionals who have screwed people. It does not make the entire profession bad. It just means that there are some sharks in the waters so be careful.
I hope this makes sense.
Bottom line: You can be a good person who sells a good product or service and use the internet to market your Nashville business. You don?t have to be someone your not or market in a way that makes you feel like a shark.
Would You Consider The Candle Business A Real Business??
Can we agree that selling candles is a real business?
Let me share with you some info about a small, family owned business out of North Carolina who absolutely crushes with the internet.
Diamond Candles is a company that creates soy candles but with a twist. There is a real (there?s that dang real word again) diamond ring in each of their candles. They range from $20-$5,000. ?You read that correctly. The candles retail for about $24.
I want you to take a look at their facebook fan page and look at the number of fans that they have. I also know for a fact that most of those fans are from the past year.
I encourage you to go check out their website as well. You will see that there isn?t any hype at all. You are not going to die if you don?t buy right now. There is not a mile long salesletter that tries to convince you either.
I am sharing that example with you because although they are very popular candles, there is a very good chance that most of the Nashpreneurs reading this blog have never even heard of Diamond Candles until this blog post.
How About Digestive Support?
I can?t resist. I have to share another example with you because they are clients of mine.
Would you agree with me that helping people with digestive problems is a real business??
Please go take a look at and then come back.
Is there anything on that page that says, ?OMG, they are hyping up this diet!!!??
I hope you said no because that is the correct answer. They have a good balance of educating and selling.
Let me share something with you. They are making over $10,000 a month with that business. I know because when they hired me they were only making $300 a month and were dying to quick their jobs.
Would you like to hear their story of how they did it? I interviewed them and asked them to share what I taught them in the coaching sessions. You can listen to the entire interview for free.
I could give you even more examples of real businesses using the internet as well but I will save that for another time.
What I want you to takeaway from this example is what I said above, you typically find what you are looking for so be careful what you look for.
How 4 Real Nashville Business Professionals Can Use The Internet Without Hype?
I want to give you some ideas to try and paint you a picture of how different Nashville business professionals can use the internet to market their business. I am going to use 4 different professions for this example.
Before I do so, I need to establish a few things so we are on the same page.
1. ?The goal of a business is to make ?a profit. The opposite is a nonprofit and this isn?t what we are talking about in this article.
2. ?People buy from people who they know, like and trust.
3. ?There are only 3 ways to grow a business: 1) get new customers 2) get them to spend more at the time of purchase 3) get them to spend more often.
4. ?According to marketing legend, Dan Kennedy, marketing is the right message, to the right market, at the right time.
The statements above are?fundamentals to business that apply to any business. I share those statements with you because they impact how I view marketing on the internet and they are all important to building a successful business.
I apply those ideas and concepts to the internet. Let?s get to some examples.
Example #1 ? Nashville attorney: ?If I was an attorney in Nashville I would?
- have a branding website for my firm as well as possibly a website that is optimized for the type law that I practice (divorce etc).?According to some research I just did, 170 people per month are looking for a Nashville attorney.
- I would shoot helpful?YouTube?videos answering questions about the topics to let my potential clients get to know me more as well as get traffic to my website by ranking for my targeted keywords.
- I would have a way for people to test the waters with me by giving away some sort of guide,report or video where I gather their name and email address to follow up with them.
- I would drip on them through email to be ready for when or if they are ready to become a client.
Example #2 ? Holistic health?consultant: If I was a holistic health coach in Nashville, I would?
- design an education based site on 1-3 niche topics and just focus on gathering clients from these niches. An example would be people with high blood pressure or something like that.?
- I would then branch out past Nashville and go after prospects online with certain conditions since I can coach them from anywhere.
- I would have a goal of developing a list of 100 prospects and follow what I said in the article ?Exactly what to do when someone doesn?t buy from you right away?.
Example #3 ? Printing company:?If I owned a printing company in Nashville, I would?
- Create tutorials and articles around things that involve printing such as business cards. I would teach people how to design a nice business card that works and have an offer to buy business cards from me on my website.
- I would create an email autoresponder campaign that drips this education based marketing campaign?to my prospects and customers so that it gives me a?reason?to contact them at the very least once every 30 days.
- I would optimize my website to get traffic from the search engines as well.
Example #4 ? Human resource consultant:?If I were a human resource consultant in Nashville, I would?
- create a free giveaway that talks about the mistakes people make on their resume that turns employers off.
- have case studies all over my site of people that I have helped because I realize stories sell and facts tell.
- create another free giveaway on possible questions employers could ask to hire the right person. It would be a brief teaser to lead into my consulting.
5 Things Your Internet Marketing Should Be Doing
1. Bringing in new prospects and/or customers
2. ?Upselling customers (if your business calls for that)
3. ?Cross selling customers
4. ?Building trust by getting people to know,like and trust you
5. ?Allowing you to follow up automatically
In closing, internet marketing can be great for marketing your Nashville business. Follow people who are successful doing exactly what you want to be doing and you will be successful. Stay away from the things that you feel are shady or hyped up.
If you feel like you would like some help with your Nashville internet marketing then don?t hesitate to contact me.
?I would like to know your thoughts and questions. Please post a comment below.
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