Sunday, May 27, 2012

Arthritis And Ayurveda Therapy For Healthy Life


What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda means the knowledge for long life. it is a form of traditional medicine system, which has its roots in India. It is also called as the alternative medicine. The Susruta Samhita and Chakara Samhita are the initial literatures on Ayurveda for Indian medical practice.

Ayurveda is based on the principles of five basic elements namely Prithvi (earth), Jala (water), Agni (fire), Vayu (air) and Akasa (sky), which forms the universe as well as the human body. Ayurveda insists on balance of three essential energies namely Vayu Vata (air & space ? wind), Pitta (fire &water ? bile) and Kapha (water & earth ? phlegm). According to Ayurvedic theory, these elemental energies are important for health.

Arthritis and Ayurveda methods suggest that the strength of the human body can be attained from a healthy metabolic system, achieving good digestion and right excretion.

It also tells the importance of exercise, yoga and meditation.

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis problem occurs in our body due to poor digestion and weak colon system. So, this indigestive food forms a heap in our body. As a result of it, toxins are developed and it is led to colon causing pain in the joints. In arthritis and Ayurveda method, it is classified into 3 categories such as Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Vata arthritis

This kind of arthritis occurs commonly among people and Vata known as digestive fire is found in excess and auto immune system of our body shuts down and so causes pain in the joints. As a result of it stiffness, dryness and pain occurs in our body.

How to treat

Taking hot baths and Abhyanga Ayurvedic massage using sesame oil and Mahanarayan oil helps to reduce the pain. Capsules like Boswellia and Commiphora Mukul, which is made of Herbs can be taken three times a day, which helps in healing it. These capsules act as anti-inflammatory, pain killing, improving flexibility and to strengthen bones. Avoid potato and eggplant and dairy foods and having hot baths improves the situation.

Pitta Arthritis

This type happens due to heat, swelling or burning sensation. The excessive heat or pitta in the body and gathering of acid by products of metabolism leads to this type of arthritis.

How to treat

Cool compresses and Abhyanga massage using coconut oil and Khsheerbala oil reduces the pitta in the body. Five to seven days of detoxification diet and anti-pitta diet for cooling the body along with dry and heavy food will help in reducing the pain. Herbal capsules are given three times a day, which helps us to rejuvenate our body. Using ice bag for cooling is advised.

Kapha Arthritis

The symptom for this type of Arthritis is dull ache, congestion and swelling. It starts with the formation of lumps and sinuses, which causes slow digestion and metabolism blocking the removal of Ama.

How to treat

Having hot baths and Abhyanga massage using Almond oil and Sahacharadi oil reduces the Pitta in the body. One or two weeks of detoxification diet and anti Kapha helps in reducing it. Light, dry and warm foods are suggested for curing. In arthritis and Ayurveda methods herbal medicines are given three times a day, which helps in attaining stamina.




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